Fabian Fischer



I am a postdoctoral research associate in the Selva lab at University of Bristol, working on forest structure and forest dynamics. In particular, I am interested in combining individual-based forest models, functional traits and remote sensing to elucidate the mechanistic origins of ecosystem-wide patterns. The main focus of my postdoc is to investigate gap patterns in forests across the world and link them to environmental drivers and disturbance events.

My academic background is both in the humanities (literature and philosophy) and the sciences (physics). After a short stint in the private sector, I took up doctoral studies in tropical forest modelling at the University of Toulouse in 2016. I successfully completed my PhD in December 2019 and then followed up with a CNRS-funded postdoc, also based in Toulouse.

Outside of my academic work, I have retained a keen interest in reading and writing (fiction, philosophy). I also go running a lot, and enjoy a number of outdoor activities, such as cycling, hiking, volleyball, and most recently, tennis – though my skills do not yet match my enthusiasm.


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