Robin Battison



I am a PhD student within the Selva Lab, where I am combining different types of time-series data (dendrometers, tree rings, remote sensing) to betteer understand how European forests are responding to climate change and how well we can predict this into the future. Prior to my PhD I did a degree in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Loughborough University, during which I spent 12 months working within the Biological Chemistry group at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It was here that I was first exposed to ecology. My time at Kew was pivotal and lead me to study an MSc in Bioinformatics at the University of Bristol. For my masters dissertation, I used repeat LiDAR to track the growth and mortality of 10,000s of individual trees in Australia’s Great Western Woodlands.

Away from academia, I am typically found climbing a crag somewhere in the South West or running through a forest. I like to wind down through my creative pursuits, such as wood carving. Working on such a small scale with timber has given me a greater appreciation of the forests I study.


Toby Jackson


Diego Rodríguez