Becky Banbury Morgan
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Selva Lab, where my research focuses on understanding how fragmentation affects the structure and composition of tropical forests. Specifically, my postdoc will use airborne laser scanning data and satellite imagery to investigate how variation in edge age and climate influences the development of forest edges. More broadly, I am interested in the use of long-term data from across large spatial gradients to understand how forest structure and function vary in space and time.
Before coming to Bristol, I did my PhD at the University of Leeds. I used forest census data from the ForestPlots network to explore links between forest structure, demographic rates and environmental variables, using a combination of field data and modelling approaches. I am interested in methods of integrating diverse data into modelling frameworks to better predict future outcomes for forest ecosystems.
Outside of work I am mostly outside; fell running, climbing, or trying (unsuccessfully) not to fall off my mountain bike.