Beibei Zhang




My name is Beibei Zhang and starting in September 2020 I will be a PhD student at University of Bristol. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Forestry and a Master’s in Ecology in China. During my Master’s I studied the phylogenetic conservatism of pollination networks in the Tibetan plateau. However, forests have long fascinated me, which led me to pursue a PhD in forest ecology. My PhD – which is funded through the China Scholarship Council – will use novel remote sensing technologies such as LiDAR to explore the effects of climate, soils, biogeography, and fire regimes on the 3D structure of world’s forests. My research will help shed light on the processes that shape the structure and function of forest ecosystems at a global scale.

Apart from work, I enjoy travelling, gardening and playing phone games. I am also very fond of cats - particularly British shorthair cats!


Fabian Fischer


Lucy Beese